Stop Focusing On Your Mistake

Set yourself up for success and greatness. Stop focusing on your flaws and mistakes. Circumstances set the match for the reality of the image you have in your mind. None of us has exhausted God’s ability, resources, mercies and power for our lives.

God is infinite. God is huge. Our lives ought to be a reflection of that. If you can look at your life and say, “Well, i went to school, i did this and that, and i earned the things i have”, you have missed God. Your life should be a testimony that when people ask how you’re doing what you’re and why you’re so blessed, you should be able to say that there’s no explanation outside God. If you can point to your great education, your talent, or your ability, then you have missed God. If your life isn’t supernatural, it’s superficial

If you believe in God and believe in yourself self you are unstoppable, Because challenges are just stepping stone to success

Are you ready…..

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